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4:12 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

punnett square

So, after saying for several weeks that I was going to start going to the gym, I actually went to the gym. I worked out, I lasted longer than I thought my fat ass would. I didn't feel as badly out of place as I thought I would. and hurray for the summer it was not crowded at all. in the area with all the elipticals and treadmills there wer emaybe 4 people.
When I left it was pouring down rain. I waited around at the entrance thinking it woudl lighten up or stop and it didn't so I walked to the EUC, got me a toasty sub and some broccoli cheese soup, that warmed me up inside. and I have been craving brocolli cheese soup. You see I bought a little 'just ad boiling water' thing of brocolli cheese soup the other day and when I added the boiling water and followed the isnructions i got the most disgustting non-broccoli non-cheese tasting stuff ever and threw it away and ate thai food.
so i needed to remember what the real thing tasted like.
I am not sure if the rain was good or bad. on one hand, after working out it felt very cleansing and renewing and cooling. it was very zen walking through the rain. on the practical side, i am now cold and wet and it made the sweat run into my eyes and sting and once i was indoors people looked at me funny cause i looked funny.
all these people have told me lately "hey give me a call, we should hang out" and I dont. call them even though i want to and i want to hang out and have a social life. idunno why i dont. perhaps because my first instinct is still to be that anti-social kid in the back of the room with black nail polish glaring at people, hell sometimes being that kid is fun as hell. but its not good for your social life.
im cold wet and sweaty, im gonna take a shower.