Last update:

11:01 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


i have class in an hour (didnt my last entry start off kinda like that?)
I won't be home for my dad's birthday party. so i sent him a card. which i paid for entirely in coins, much to the chagrin of the cashier.
sold a broken ipod for 50 bucks, therefor making the internet the most amazing place on earth.
saw a student film screening at NCSA last night. pretty effing awesome. Some were absolutely horrible. Some were good. I am so glad the friends i came with who were in a film were in a good one. otherwise they would have been upset when i laughed hysterically at a really bad drama. it was nice to be in a room of honest responses. if it was so bad it was funny they didnt try to hold back laughter. They laughed their asses off. it made me happy
have i mentioned altely that i dont want her to visit this weekend? cause i soooo dont. what will we do with her? i have duty every night this weekend. so she will be bored to tears. i dont think she has any other friends that are in greensboro now. sigh. and it will be awkward. so awkward.

the cashier at quizno's yesterday asked me when i was due.
fuck i feel gross. just gross and disgusting.
we joked around about it and shit. but fuck i felt horrible.