Last update:

12:42 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


I am going to bed in a moment.
tomorrow i have a meeting and class and that is it. i will be getting my schedule for the publicity office. bah. i dont really want to work there, espescially while taking bio and biolab, but i need the course and lack the time during the regular school year, so i shall take it now.

i got a coupon for any free hot or cold beverage from this campus coffee shop, i got it online and printed out like 8 of them. hehehehe. i shall have morning ebverages for some time.

i still havent finished unpacking. thats bad.

tomorrow i go to best buy to buy an ink cartridge

i am getting horrible about forgetting to put up an away message.
i am tired, i should wake up early tomorrow

in the fall i am buying a laptop. I am thrilled about it ^_^
then i am selling my emac. huzzah

im in an odd mood tonight

i should go to bed. i am tired, i really should go to bed.

i purchased this and this via the interweb today. because i can and because i want them and because several months from now when i have a laptop i will need/want them more. i dont want to worry about getting a mouse and a hub then after i have shelled out all that money.

why in the hell am i not going to bed?