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2:31 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

wasted my money

I hate having to edit what i say in here, just in case. blargh. whatever

i had a great night, so much fun
sooo much to drink

not to harp on the only few bad points of my night . . . but yeah here goes
you fucking piss me off because you want me to treat you better than you treat me. you want me to give you all this respect that you refuse to show me. You have to be the best, you have to show everyone else. everyone has to like you more than me.
a pattern here? yet another of this archetype in my life.
so yeah maybe i was saying you were meaan to me becaus ei was drunk but it is still true. you are mean to me. ever since i came out you treat me strangely. every since i told you i was a lesbian you keep a disturbing distance. im not fucking contagious and i am sick of it. get over it bitch

but really my night was wondrous

oh i jsut remember, and dont accuse me of things i am not doing you hypocritical asshole.

anyway, as i was saying: my night was wondrous, i had so much fun and danced my ass off and sobered up at waffle house and now i am grrrreat!
even though i am sore and my neck hurts
even though the party ended sooner than it should have.
and even though i feel a little sick, and no one answered their phones

so much dancing, hehehe so many great pictures
a goo time was had indeed