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1:48 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

thursday, right?

I'd be in bed right now if I wasnt doing laundry. In about thirty minutes it will be out of the drier and then I will hang it up. I mean it I willa ctually hang up my laundry, it happens rarely, but It is necessary for me to get my room clean. I only havd a buck fifty on my card so I couldnt do all the laundry I needed to do so I have to keep the dirty and clean seperate and get all the dirty clothes off the floor so I can see all the trash on the floor.
Tomorrow I turn in my English papers that count as my final exam grade! I am really concerned abou tmy grade for htis class. My actual grades are good, but I missed too many days. The limit was 5 and I went over it. significantly. Which is ridiculous, hell I mean most teachers dont give you mroe than 3 allowed absences and I can stay under that or at least barely go over. I dont know what was wrong with me this semester. If i lose my scholarship I dont know what I am going to do.
This summer I am going back to therapy. I promise. It is something I NEED to do. I gotta fix myself. I have got to function properly to survive college and work and not burn out or go into debt.
I can't keep going back to things I said I stopped. I dont care if it isnt so bad. I dont care if I tell myself it is a one time thing or if no one notices. No one noticing doesnt mean i'm not fucking myself up inside. It doesn't mean it is detrimental. Did I misspell that? did I just misspell misspell?
I am a mess.
Well, I have my acting final, my costuming final, my last ten minutes for playwriting and some papers for directing. . . . Stressed? What? who. me? never.
I am going to be all OCD and take the keys out of my keyboard and clean them
you think I'm kidding? the clear plastic on my keyboard makes it look that much dirtier when it is dirty. its driving me nuts.