Last update:

3:43 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

i made a playlist called "christmas is kinda awesome"

So I am all kinds of excited. My friend and I went to a sale at the Fabric Store yesterday and now I am going to make myself this lovely coat. here is a picture from the pattern and a photo of the fabric i am using^_^

im making the jacket that the creepy woman in the picture is wearing, heehee :)

it will most definitly be something to do. It will help keep me preoccupied during break. My friend michael is making himself a lovely fleece jacket as well. It will be an adventure for all of us I am sure.

I am scraping by. All my friends are pretty much officially gone. I haven't really been eating, which I know isn't good. I have been waking up and staying in the room for ridiculous amounts of time and then giving in around dinner time to hunger. I have had 2 mugs of chai tea.

Tomorrow at 3 dad is picking me up. I will have everything i need for winter break packed into my duffel bag, book bag, and 3 wal-mart bags. The weather is supposed to be bad, maybe even ice. I know the ride home will be long and awkward

I haven't left the dorm all day.

I have 3 residents left on the hall. One is checking out tomorrow at 8am. Two are checking out some time today, they were supposed to have already left, but then circumstances changed.
From 50 to 3

the last girl leaving was the first girl to arrive this semester. Its interesting, its like we are leaving in the same order we moved in.
Alot of my residents are moving out or changing roommates. So I will have alot of new people to get to know.
I am not thrilled about that.

My stomache is getting angry with me. I should go get something to eat. I know I should. Maybe stop by the c-store and get some detergent and wash my bed sheetsand my book bag. My book bag hasnt been washed in over a year now and tobacco remnants, dirt and highlighter bleeding have left it rather gruncy looking.
yeah i should do that i should.

I have to remember when I go home that somehwere in y room are the story notes for stardust. I have decided that I am finally going to write it.

I may as well start hyping now. I am going to start publishing the novel chapter by chapter online for donations, theoretically i will get enough money to self-publish it when it is done.
I am very excited.

Well I am, just not at the moemnt,a t the moment i feel bored lonely sad and hungry.
I also feel tired
even though the only hting i seem to do lately is sleep i feel exhausted.

I am excited about so many things, but i dont feel it right now. I am excited about going home and helping mom make christmas candies, the kind she hasnt made in years and years andyears. She told me she is going to make them. I dont remember the last time we had all that great stuff.
I am so excited

I am thrilled about going shopping with my brother and giving presents and wrapping presents.

I really want this to be a great christmas. I can feel the potential. I really can. Hell if we can just get the effin tree up before christmas eve things will be better