Last update:

8:16 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


so a poem popped into my head a bit ago and i had to write it down asap or it would be lost forever. Considering my recent rant on my lost poetic ability writing this down was important to me. so, being at the desk at work i dont really have anywhere else to write this but here. So here here it is, very raw but done. maybe i will revise it. It doesn't suck too bad. It's a start.


i revisted you and me last night.
We had dinner and danced
you held me close
as if it was your last chance.
and it was.
and we were.
it was lovely.

I kissed your lips
the way i had always wanted to
sometime late last night.
I held you the way
you would never allow.
For once there was no need
to beg you to stay.
You were willing
and loving
and are still.

Sometime after dusk
between my eye and its lid
i was warm
and safe
and solid.
All my dreams were fulfilled
all my lies unseen

and every love requited.

This morning somehow
the mask was shed.
I knew truth and quarantine.
The yearn for what once lost
pushed away all else.
It banished any chance
or opportunity.