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11:32 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


i have tried to write poetry at least three times in the past week and at least 7 in the past month.
nothing has been complete. I cant do it anymore. I think i have lost it.
It used to come so easily, they werent the best poems but they were complete thoughts, strung together properly.
It has been like a year now since i have written a poem I thought it was pretty good. I was even starting to show a certain level of artistic maturity when it came to my poetry, they were edited and revised and meticulous and very deliberate things, a far removal from the intuitive and random freeverses of my younger years. then they stopped. poetry stopped in me as suddenly as it started.
the first poem i remember writing was a femminist peice i wanted to submit to the newspaper. then i remember poems just spewing out of me, waking up in the morning and writing a poem. morbid peices about death in the 5th grade. i recall one about a couple being very much in love and at the end you find out they are ascending to heaven, my mother read it and said she thought it was quite sweet until she found out they were dead.
i went through my angsty poetry stage and my ballad stage and i was finally feeling well rounded in working with the medium (after writing poetry regularly for close to 8 years) and then poof . .. i stopped writing. i dont know why.
i want to write again, i really do. I have a dozen aborted poems sitting in my notebook. all flawed, bad, and with nothing resembling completion or intention. i even tried writing one about how i hadnt been able to finish a poem . . . ironically it was unfinished as well.
I used to be something others would call talented. I don't know anymore. I feel so . . devoid. which is a word i am not really using properly here . . . . oh well.