Last update:

9:15 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

arhhhh BRAINS!

I am going home
until sometime in the afternoon on sunday i will be in Hope Mills
I am dreading it, seriously
There is the prospect of seeing old friends, and considering how things generally go with these people, there is a good possibility of being in an altered state, which isnt as exciting to me as it used to be.
in less than an hour i have to be waiting by the road for my father, with by bags packed. He will not come to the dorm and get me, because that is inefficient. I will be sitting outside, waiting on him, and unable to smoke the cigarette i am sure i will be very much wanting.
because if he sees me

i am tired, i went to bed at 3:30 last night, and will probably get little sleep this weekend, or sunday night when i come back
i am turning into zombie,

some sort of lifeless thing