Last update:

7:37 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

superficial obsession for a moment

Normally I dont write directly about events in my life, normally my entries are all emotional and gushy and semi artsy and dont name names or give too specific of details, but this . . wow this is driving me nuts!

OK I seriously need all your opinions on this, because it is going to drive me completely and utterly nuts.
Mr. Charming, yeah him, that fellow who my last entry was all about, compared me to Lady from Lady and the Tramp . . . . yeah, real charming there. so I am currently spazzing out like the dufus I am, i need an outisde opinion.

The first is lady, the second is me, in case you can't tell.

I swear! as soon as he said that I wanted to say "GAH I cant beleive I just wrote an entire diary entry about my infatuation with you and you think I look llike a dog!!!!"
I didnt say that I just said what the hell. . . although I should have said iut, i totally should have said it. you know it goes along with my personal theory that everything would be better if we all said exactly what we are thinking
he tried to defend himself by saying that Lady was a pretty dog . . . yeah im way to much of a spaz to let that work . . . oh my god! Lady and the Tramp for fuck's sake!!!
Yeah one more thing in my mile long list of things to completely spaz out about . . . maybe more on that later

I thought about telling him he looked like the tramp, whatever the tramps name was. but i didnt, once again i think I should have, because i could see it, tall lanky, scruggy hair, ragamuffin thing going on

GAH Lady and the Tramp!!! Im not sure which is driving me more insane, the comparison to a dog or to a disney character