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11:24 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

something vaguely poetic and some words out of context that you probably won't get

nothing to do
and no one to do it with
and i cant stop thinking
about how i was thinking
about him
to take the pain away
and a thought of a thought
like that is enough
to make me start falling
for someone whom
I should most definitly
not be falling for,
because of a multitude
of practical and
impractical reasons
the things i know
that i dont know
embarassing stories
that would surely result
in myself feeling embarassed
and being teased by the others who know
if anything were to come of anything
a strange unspoken unaffiliation
a way we run out of
things to say
but i cant help but be
so incredibly enthralled
when we have something to say
and that light fills his eyes
words spilling forth
so fast
that we cannot make them out.
The laughter that
comes out of me
is something entirely
and i think you enjoy it too
the smiles we share
and the way eye contact with you
is so horribly intense
yet not frightening at all

Until I found out the real reason I could have sworn things were going to come to a head. That something would come to something, how silly of me to forget that nothing every comes of something with me.