Last update:

9:15 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


In a moment of spontanaety (which i am sure is spelled wrong) i dyed my hair last night, or rather my friend down the hall did.

that is what college has become, a serious of unplanned moments. Going from nothing to do to a hundred things in a matter of seconds.

don't get me wrong, i am far from a party animal, the closest thing i have had to a party since i got here was playing twister with Angela and Tammy.

I have been watching movie after movie, while trying to read books for class and write papers and get my goddam desk fixed

it seems like, every night, i start off with the plan of not doing much, just having a cigarette getting some writing done, and then i end up doing something else, my plans are thrown to the wayside and i am laughing and truly enjoying myself

enjoying myself

i havent done that so much in any one place till now. At home i wouldnt really enjoy myself till i went out with krystal or stef or ollie, here, no matter who i am with something happens that makes me laugh. There is always something happening, there is always someone thinking.

I love this place

in twenty-four hours and fourty-five minutes i have to go back home for three days

this sucks