Last update:

9:39 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

can lewdness be romantic?

I am so stupid


i hate being sucha spaz

it is rather dissapointing, to send a hearfelt email to someone you fell for quickly and to finally receive a reply, feel horribly nervou sabout it, finally read it and it is a total of two sentences, that dont acknowledge emotion and comment on your nice rack

however, it is kinda nice to know someone thinks i have a nice rack

possibility a: he deosnt convey emotion well over email hence hi semail was short mentioend he missed me and was complimentary

possibility 2: (also known as possibility b) he isnt really deep or profoun dlike i thought he was, and this was all jsyut a physical thing that my brain turned into something emotional in profound

or maybe i am wrong maybe it is something else

but it is nice to have a relationship in which i feel desirable

he likes eerything about me that i hate.

i was never really fond of my 'rack'