Last update:

11:00 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


When driving home from a poetry reading i wrote a poem

take this sentence literally please, i wrote it while driving, the car was in motion.

I came up with the idea and desperately waited for a stop light to write it down, everytime i aproached a litght it turned green, this would normally make me happy. but no it infuriated me so eventually, before it fled my mind, i got out my pencil put the notebook beside me and wrote the best i could while driving, one eye on the road, one on the paper, one hand on the wheel, one on my pencil

i can barely read the thing but this is what was legible:

The sign says yield
so you accelerated
your philosophy from day one
at times when i tiptoe cautiously
you break into a run
you rush forward valiantly
in your shining armor
for damsels in distress
how silly of me to think
there was another way for you to be
and even more ludacris is the truth
that dispite the brazen sword you've drawn
you're more afraid than me.