Last update:

10:47 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


All work and no play makes kati a dull girl

all work and no play makes kait a dull girl

all work and no play makes kati very irritable

makes kati take thigns out on others who dont deserve

makes kati feel sick to her stomache

makes kati want to crawl into a corner and die

makes kati feel horrible and wrong insie and not know why

makes it hard for kati to write

hard to live and breathe

hard to go on

hard to go on another day working

sleep in too late and fall asleep at work and act irresponsibly and make social calls at work neglecting the chidlren i am supposed to watch

Because nothing moves forward, anymore and i cant seem to get a grip on myself. no matter hwo hard i try my body feels sterile and cold and stiff, like a corpse.

i'm dead . . . . perhaps i always have been