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Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

pencil of stainless steel

I wrote a poem on the bathroom wall today

it is a practice that it hink i might take up on a continual basis, i will write poetry in the bathroom stalls of reststops and public places throughout the country, the world even

but first, first i shall write in allt he abthrooms of my school

its a lovley little nonpermanent mark to leave across the world

i have always loved graffiti as an art form

i remember seeing pictures of hte berlin wall, i saw them and expeccted to see it in a museum of modern art. graffiti, i think, it the most raw art form, it is up there with doodlings in paper margins and hastily written poetry

i rememebr seeing in a bthroom stall in my freshman year of highschool a poem

well i suppose it was a poem

what i remember was that it was the most amazing peice of writing i had ever seen in my life

this girl was writing about ebing pregnant. Every part of it screamed of her panic her fear, her anger, and her awe. Even the way the letters were made, jagged, hasty dark, showed what she felt. It left a great impression on me, i was so mad that i didnt have a pen and paper, i wanted to write it on my person that i wouldnt lose it, but my pen was out of ink

so the next day i came back to find it, and the wall had been cleaned, all teh graffit had been scraped away, including the poem,

It was lost, i wanted to cry, i couldnt beleive it was fone

but then it occured to me, that was the way it was meant to me

that girl didnt write that there to leave an impression, she didnt write it to make herself known, she wrote it to expose what she felt through the grace of anonymity. IT was for the joy of creating, the releif the expression.

Art in its purest form

i want to carry on taht girls legacy. For her, for the child she may or may not have had, for her panic, for her tears

i want others to feel waht i felt

but i know that is something i cannopt acheive