Last update:

10:38 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

hosue of cards

what is love?

i have this elaborately structured idea of lvoe and romance. I hjave made allowances for hte shrotage of knights and balconies and white horses. I have revamped the design time and time again to allow for reality to seap in the cracks.

At a young age I ahd to redesing the idea to allow for sex, and children.

Then later I had to create passgewyas and revolving doors to allow for lack of children and lack of marriage, then later I knocked down the wall between genders, that i had long been looking through the window toward.

Still the structure is so delicate. My priorities change but love is supposed to be a certain way and there are certiant higns that are onyl supposed to exist under the rule of love.

well suppossed to

i made allowances and passageways for the ideas of sitcoms (thats what happens when you watch Seinfeld at age 8) and filtering out all the things i was told that truned out to be really unimportant.

It is like a house of cards. careful shards of glass stacked on top of one another to be so beautiufl and perfect

It simply wits fr you to break it

i sit here and wit to be shattered. I wait for someone to come along and ruin me.

i wince nd cower because someone will break me, i have been cracked and i have been knocked over but someday someone will destroy me beyond recognition

dont let it be you, not after all this time . . . .