Last update:

10:26 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

domestic distrubance

there is a small balck car on the loos somewhere in my town. It is a small town as it always has been and somehwere there is a wife-beater in his wife's black car

the police cars and anbulance, ,and firtruck were all ining my street, and we didnt know what was going on.

we thought perhaps the elderly man next door had finalyl keeled over. But no, the woman who lived another house down had fled to our neighbors when her husband got violent

"oh, it is that redneck son of a bitch" says my father

my father, ,he of all men, called someone a red neck son of a bitch.

this man is a self proclaimed southern boy and yes a redneck. He is their king practically. He revels in southern pride and being a redneck

and yet he uses it as an insult

well tehre is more hypocrite in him than i thought.