Last update:

8:42 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

She goes to my school

She goes to my school.

the plotting, devious bitch who ruined me goes to my school. I see her in the hallways,. That face that I have blocked out, nearly forgotten, she had hidden herself in a deep back recess of my brain. I couldnt see her face. I had forgotten it. I want to forget her face and her eyes and her, everything about her. Her voice hurts and to see her move makes me want to run away. When I see her in the halls I hide behind my friends and they cannot understand why. She hurt me. She tore me apart limb by limb, every peice of my heart was shattered and thrown across the floor, ,she dance apoon and took so much joy in it. She destroyed me

and she goes to my school.

I dont know how i survived that, somehow i am standing here and i have repressed all those lies and patched myyself together, stuffed myself with straw and drew on a smile and pressed on with life., i dont know how i managed. Btu now, whenever I see her the momories well back up. I can feel the pain of every single lie and insult that she told people, people she wanted to impress by her prowess over me. And she did have power over me. I beleived every word she ever said to me for years. then when i realized that they were all lies, it hurt so badly, and i couldnt confront her, what was i to say?

She goes to my school

All the memories and tears well up when i look at her, and I can't look away. she sees me, and everytime i see the beiginnings of recognition i her eyes i force myself to look away, but still I know she is there

I jsut have to remind myself, it is only 3 more years.