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8:55 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

What if

I do not want to know these things.

Sometimes I want to crawl back into my little world of naivety and just play with my ball of yarn and think all is right with the world.

But it can never be that way again.

Ignorance truly is bliss, until you know you are ignorant. I know, i know there are things I do not know, and if itry to forget, always it will haunt me, that I know, that i have a power. And no matter how hard i try, i will always know i am ignorant. SO i cant go back to being ignorant


i must press on.

I know things, so many things. Yet i cannot say a word. don't tell, it will only make things worse.

and it hurts

my god, does it hurt

Like watching John Lennon being shot, you can see the man aiming, and pulling the trigger, but u cant stop him, you won't stop him. You feel guilty and helpless all at once, Because you insist to oyurself tha you could have done something, ,but you didnt. When in truth even if you had done soemthing, it would have only made thigns worse.

But regret doesnt understand.

Trll your regret all you want that it wasn't your fault, and it will not go away.

"Regret, there was ntohign I could half doen. You dont want me to upset the balance of the universe do you?!"

Regret silently glares. and tremors fill me.

"LEAVE ME! . . I couldn't tell, you know i would have if i was allowed! I can't screw these things up"


"I didnt ask for oyur opinion!"

but regret simply glares at me, cold staring eyes. And though i know i did waht was right, i wonder again and again

what if