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10:43 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


Ask me

I know it is in your mind,

i can see the question resting on your lips.

the look in your eyes gives it all away

i know what you are wondering, but you are far too afraid to speak so candidly.

It isnt as thought you were afraid to insult me, to offend me before.

did you know your words hurt me?

now you are wondering, and though I can see the question, you refuse to ask.

YOu sit behind your little wall of mystery, ,where you dont speak your mind. And thought you want to know, you refuse to ask, as though in protest.

It makes me want to laugh, that you are so trapped in your ways taht you will not quench your won curiousity. so homophobic that you can't even ask the question.

And it makes me want to cry, because so many are like you. So many want to pretend the world is exactly the way they like it, and that people like me do not exist. so they do not ask, afraid they will not like the answer.

The question is resting on your lips, it is given away by your eyes, by who you are.

And I know you will never ask.