Last update:

9:24 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

dont let my dreams come true

"I hope all your dreams come true."

perhaps the worst curse in the english language. Who on earth would want all their dreams true?

If all my dreams came true I would be salad dressing right now, I would be walking with a wolf for all eternity, I would be so afraid, so lost, so happy.

Why would I want all of that? it is too much for me.

I had a dream the other night where the person I loved ran away from me, I'll be damned if I knew why. At the end we were together again, hugging, and that was it.

Some how I am not satisfied.

dont tell me he will run from me. that isnt how these things work. people do not run form me I run from them. I get scared of what I feel, and I run.

Dont tell me he will run from me. I could not handle that. To not know why and to have him gone, no trace, i can't chase people, I dont know how.

Dont tell me he will run from me, that would kill me (i hope he doesnt read that)

Dont let mym dreams come true

then i would be shot and i would be stuck with some damn wolf and i would be salad dressing

and he would run from me