Last update:

1:08 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

im taking it out on the wrong person i know

fuckyou fuck you fuck you fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you

i have a maximum capacity for being the but of jokes.
I have a maximum capacity for being treated like a leper. . . . why is this happening again in someone else. i need to stop this.

and fuck you for not being happy for me ever, or enthusiastic for me ever. or for ever encouraging me or ever really supporting me.
I am so happy and you dont even acknowledge it. you never acknowledge my accomplishments, only my failings.
and you wonder why i am so fucking morbid. and you wonder why i am so fucking negative! i dont know how to express anything positive! i dont know how because you never let me feel it, i mean truly feel it and explore it.
fuck you

this still interests me.