Last update:

10:20 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


I have begun to snort when I laugh
I need to do something wtih myself. I need to be productive and work on the things that i was so passionate about a month ago.
I have 4 friends in this town, thats it really. I have a few other friends around her, but getting in touch with them is hard to do.
when my father walks by i uncontrollably and visibly shudder. I cant help it.
I will have a testosterone free house on sunday, it will be fascinating. My mother and I will be able to have grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner without anyone complaining, or watch whatever movie we want. and if i want to go somewhere there is no real stopping me, my mother is nice and open about allowing me to go out. Maybe I can have that talk with her I have been wanting to have
but i am nervous and not likely to do it, i will chicken out. I chicken out far too much. I want to be the brave, decisive, and forceful person that my brother thinks I am.
another thing to work on perhaps