Last update:

12:50 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


my last entry was number 666
that makes me giggle.

in an attempt to ease the blow of my soon trip home i am trying to think of all teh goods things there will be about being back in Hope Mills.
My car
a select few old friends
a job, with money
no classes
my brother
soft toilet paper
no roommate
no homework

but think of this list only causes me to involuntarily assemble a lsit of the thing si will miss.
my freedom
my friends
just being who i am casually whenever i wish
sleeping in with no one chastising me
stay up till 3 on a regular basis, with no one chastising me
being just wonderfulyl and gloriously on my own.
being awya form my dad
not having to go on visits to my grandparents
not having to do chores
not having a job
the writing on my wall from the people who lived here before
ordering chinese on friday nights
skipping class
knowing that whatever i do is my business alone and not worrying about things "getting back to mom and dad"

but home i shall go. no matter how much i do not want it. I will make this sumemr happy, I will write, i will work i will live. I will enjoy myself. I will do all sorts of cliche things, grab life by the reigns and such.
despire the people i will miss, and the way of life i have grown to love iw ill force myself to enjoy living at home for a while
next year, i think i will do summer school.