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10:02 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

its been a while

random thoughts of somewhat profundity that will some up my spring break:

It was amazing, as if the past three years had never happend, as if we never missed a bit.
yea, verily

i can easily shrug off things about my social circles back home i do not want. the parts of my old life that ruined my esteem and made me something awful. I can take the best of it all.

I felt something there, that day, just a touch of it. Something I had not expected. but maybe it was all in my head.

some friendships just arent the way they once were, some people dont get under my skin and nestle there in a good way like they used to . . . maybe it should bother me more


My father is still himself, that won't change. my mother is still the self imposed martyr, and i told her that, it wont sink it ever probably.

I spend money too frivolously, i need to start making some, this weekend cookie selling and plasma selling begin!


I cannot sleep at home, it doesnt feel right there, because it isn't home anymore.

Thinking about him keeps cheering me up. Thinking about the moments when he made me sincerely laugh.

I cried sunday morning in the car on the way back, partially from releif and from the way i was feeling that morning.

mom made breakfast for everyone but me, she made me make my own then yelled at me for leavign eggshells on teh counter.

all i can talk to her about now is drugs and sex, . . . did i ever talk to her about anything else?

some of us never escape the lives we lead in highschool, some of us will forever being reminiscing about it. Some of us will still be in that state of mind and will find ways to recreate those four years forever.

i am better than i once was

I stole the R from the hecht's restroom

my mother isn't half bad at times, even though her view of the world is warped

my brother friggin rocks!

i used to say that i wish things were the way they used to be. tht was years ago, but i dont know what time i was referring to when i said it. i dont know when things were so awesome i should go back to them

i think i am rather fond of here and now

for once