Last update:

8:29 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

bad idea

one of the things on my psychological list is drinking alone

you see inside my head there is thsi checklist. As i am sure you haver ead here before i am afraid of becoming an alcoholic. My father and his father before him and uncles of many generations all relied heavily on the bottle.

the men in my fammily are ht eones i see myself taking after, and that worries me. I dont want to be anything like them, espescially in their habits.

my list is a compilation of reason why i am not an alcoholic. I do not feel a craving for alcohol on a regular basis, for example.
I do not rely on it to solve my problems
i do not drink to the point where i blackout, pass out, or wake up in bed with strangers
i do not feel a need for a drink right after work or school
i do not drink beer . . . much

and i most definitly do not drink alone

that alst one is kind of improtant, espescially ebcaus ei am breaking it at ht emoment.

a lemonade bottle with vodka mixed in was sitting in my fridge earlier. a 'present' from my friend as she left to go home, she said she didnt have a need for it at home and didnt want to drive with it in her car.

so up until about 5 minutes ago it was chilling in my mini-fridge, it is now a few swallows lighter and sittin gon my dsk, with a cup of orange juice beside it. This is something i should most definitly not be doing

i am sure of it.

my self controlw ill return the small bottle to the shelf in teh fridge soon. but my self-opinion will be lowered.
alas! no self-control