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9:15 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

wilmington trip

(ironically right after i submited my last entry that was all comparing things to forces of nature a huge lightening storm started, wow. anyway on with the entry)

I got to be a child again for a day. It was glorious and free. To act silly an dmost of all myself.

It isnt immaturity that make sme a child, or giggling unconrollably for what seemed like hours, it was the freedom to be me.

I was nearly caught lying to my parents twice and still, still i felt more free and liberated than i had ever before. Just spending the day with people who knew what i was and didnt realyl care. They were all similar to me and didnt judge me at all. Didnt make fun of me cruelly, just ppareciated me as I did them, that was all. I didn't care if theyw ere men or women or gay or straught or bi or if someone was attracted to me or if so and so was going out with so and so . . . just freedon to be what i wanted. the only concern in my mind was my parents all day, and when they are unseena nd unehard they worry begins to slip away.

I went out into the ocean, soemthing I woul dneve rdo as a child, or any time in my life till now. I would always be loathe to let the water anywher ehigher than my knees, even if my mother walked alongside me. any family beach excursion always involved my feet being well planted in teh sand. Instead i went up to my neck in water i could swim in and let waves lift me and carry me where they wished. I felt safer with people i had seen a few time sin teh past 3 months than I had with my parents whom i had known for 18 years.

My friend whom i ha donl yknow the name of for less than 24 hours, was right when they said friends are you rfamily. They are the family you like, teh family you chose, which makes them somehow stronger than any other conenction, that is once you learn how to make the right choice.

When I look carefully i can see that my arm hairs are bleached by the sun and a few places kissed red by sun burn. In hte mirror my hair has the brwn of sand, and the saltwater turned the henna on my hand into light freckles. Each secon di become a new person, each minute i grow more into a child

and every second, every inch make this house to small for me