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Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


I've come up wtih an idea for yet anothe rbook

in my life thus far i have begun and given up on 4 book ideas. i will tell you about themnow

the first time i ever sat down and decided to write a novel was when i was in elementary school, maybe 3rd grade. I had it all set up perfectly. be 'it all' i mean the book not the plot. I had made a cover and a blurb on the back and littel review quotes and such like "The best book ive ever read by someone in elementary school". The story was smethign resembling a cross between roald dahl and the boxcar children series. It was about this group of children who were homeless and friends. they lived together and collected old food from behind restaurants and bakeries. They would take turns taking pity food and begging for money. For entertainment they would peice together fruit peels out of the trash. And they were all blissfully upbeat. There was this witch (her name was weedle witch if i recall) and she would regularly do things to torment them. The only thing i really recall plot-wise was her kidnapping one fo the children and the girl leaving a message to the others on an orange peel which they peiced together. The witch had no motivation for torturing these kids. There was no explanation for why they were homelss, and no explanation for how the kidnapped girl got a message for help onto an orange. . . unless of coure witches are fond of citrus fruits

The second book i wrote was in middle school, i labroed on it, i started it in maybe 5th grade, aroudn the time the backstreet boys were popular, i remember that. It was about a teenage girl who falls in lvoe with a celebrity, he mistreats her but she doesnt realize it, her best friend meanwhile got pregnant and dies in childbirth. The mainchracter get s married to this jerk and raises her best friens baby meanwhile neglecting the guy who was her best friend for years and is obviously the one she belongs with. finally she decides to leave him and collects all the evidence of him cheating on her and goes to see all the other women he has messed with and screwed over like her. I got fairly far into this story and then went back and changed it so that it was her children at her death bed telling it. her children and the guy she ends up with and all teh good people. Now that ti think about it, icould pull this story off now, but my heart jsut isnt in it. It isnt entirely bad, iw rote it badly though, i didnt have it planned out well at all. i worked on it on and off for about 2 or 3 years

In my freshman year of highschool i started the story Alonqui Moon. It was half decent, a scifi story, the whoel thing was structured like an rpg game, the obvious love interest, the unwitting hero, the band of friends fighting evil, even bosses. In premise it was ok, i didnt have the ability to do it then though. i abandoned it, once again it suffered from a lack of planning.

last but not least was a story about a young girl who was very impowered. she was psychic and gifte din other ways. Her mother was a drug addict and died and then this woman comes and takes her away this woman convicnes her midn you, it isnt that this girl cant fend for her self, she has practically raise dherself. and the woman, i beleive i named her sedera. sedera awakes the girl to her powers and othe rthings and the hwole time gayah (the girl) has suspected sedera of an ulterior otive and stuff, and sedera has been trying to chase down gayah for lifteimes because there is soemthign special about her, i might rewrite this one someday

and now another diea,another thing that will more htan liekly remain unfinished

we shall se, we shall see