Last update:

10:48 a.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

i killed a telemarketer just to watch him die

spent the night at a friends house last night, i think i hung out with my host and the other occupant maybe 2, 3, hours, then i fell asleep (i showed up around 11 at night) and when i wokeup in the morning i couldnt find either of them, so i jsut left.

I felt a bit of guilt, that i came to have fun with my friends and seemingly neglected them and left withoitu saying goodbye

but that isnt why i went there

i went there because sleeping in a house that isnt mind can be so cleansing soemtmes. the fun and comradary is just an extra bonus.

wow kati, thats a great philosophy, screw your friends, me entirely self centered, and you wonder why you feel so alienated

shut up

i needed to get away, even though ym dad wasnt home las tnight, this place drains me slowly.. . . i hate home. i am dying to get away with every part of me

oh gods, am i really as pretentious as i sound?