Last update:

10:48 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings



ive been having dreams where rabbits die

since my dog died and no longer torments the furry animals that other wise woould frolic across our backyard, fluffy things have begun to flourish.

my father hates them

he rants and raves taht we need a new dog to take care of all these rabbits and squirrels (i think i saw two squirrels ad one rabbit, ooo its and infestation! ::Rolls eyes::)

im not sure how long the dreams have been ahppaneing, the ones about the dying rabbits. maybe a month. I do knwo tht the frequency of them ahs been so great that now when i dream of it i feel dejavu within teh dream.

LAst night dead rabbits lay cross my bcak stoop (which was located ont eh opposite side of hte hosue than it is in real life) ithought they were asleep at first, but fidningt hem dead ir an inside. My mother and i panicked. "Did they take their heartworm medication!" "