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11:23 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


so last night i discovered something

i was writing, the best form of discovery i think. I was digging through philosphy and reality and emotion wtih pencil lead and college ruled paper. I discovered soemthing in the tinted blue lines and scrawlings

I understand love.

Mind you i do not mean entirely, i dont think anyone wille ver truly udnerstand lvoe entirely, but i think i unerstand something about why we fall in love

stop me if you've ehard this one.

We dont fall in love with people. We love people of course, i wont refute that. But we dotn fall in lvoe with them for them.

We fall in lvoe for how that person makes us feel.

It isnt one particular kind of feeling that pulls people in, every person makes every other person feel different when they are with them. We all feel certain ways about people ebcause of certain things about them. But it isnt those thigns that we fall in love. Looking in someones eyes may make you feel exhielrated, but you wont fall in love with their eyes. Their smile may make your heart race, but you dont fall in love with their smile.

It makes us all look selfish, doesnt it? We dont fall in lvoe with people we fall in lvoe with how they make us feel, we become addicted almost, we want to feel that again and again and we never grow tired of it. We love the person, but we are in love with the human interaction.

We are using them in a way, of course if they are in love with us in return they are using us aas well.

everyone uses everyone else i suppose.

we are all so selfishg, it is human nature

and we fall in love with our own emotions, and we love the cause

i like knowing that . . . perhaps it only makes sense to me . . .