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5:41 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

dreams are made of these

i had several very very strange dreams last night, i will tell you one of them.

it involves a said person who i will not name, but if you know me then jsut ask and I will tell you.

my family was not my family. They were my paretns, in a way, but they were not, my father was slimmer (by slimmer i mean not gigantic) and both myparents ahd black hair. i think my father had a mustache but i am not sure.

we were in the library, it was larger then i rememebr with solid wood shelves, we were looking for a book that contained evidence to help my brother get out of some sort of trouble, we were searching and searchign ad then i stumbled across the unnamed man who i will hence forht call fred because i do not know anyone named fred.

Fred was acting surprisingly tender, he was showing a side of hhimself that i rarely saw but i knew existed and cherished greatly. He helped us look and then road home with us. It escapes me now if we ever found the book that we were searching for. he road home with us, my mouther driving and everyone in the front seat (in my dreams cars somehow are mroe like rooms and hold people they are nto emant to and in places ehre there are no seats. he sat across from me, my father sat beside me

he was not like my real father, he was kind and supportive. me and "fred" exchanged glances and my father gave me a look that asked if me and him were a couple, i told him no, and blushed. "Fred" and i seemed to be communicating without wrds and we both wanted to be alone

in the dream also i had memories of a time before with him, in that library, where we made love. . . . it was a strange and emotionally painful memory, and i was wearing blue

in the car we looked at eachother we knew we wanted to be alone, the car was now a room somehow, he turned off th elights and i siad soemthig to him to the affect of "dot do that i cant see anything" then i felt him ebsideme, the lights came back on and everyone was gone. I asked him without words how he did that and he said nothing he only smiled. we laid beside eachother for some time, leaning in close together, i kept thinking of that memory, and i think so did he. But the difference was that in that time in the past in the dream world, it hadnt meant anything, but now somehow it did. He held me close and smehow we were now on rafts in a pool, i remember leaning on him, his arm hsi sweet breath and his smile. we were there together for a long timem he touched me gently ad wonderfully and then i woke.

It had seemed so real, so amazingly real, i wasnt sure if it was a dream or not. I went to school and everything was normal until i got to my locker where myself and other students were panicking, our lockers ahd been replaced with old fashioned locker room type lockers. they wer emore like shelves and had only one part locked shut, the school had somehow transferred all our locks to these new lockers, all the thigns i need hwoever were ont eh shelve snot int eh lcok aprt. i said something to oliver i do not rememebr what i was feelign sad becaus ei was now sur ethat it had all been a dream. then i saw "Fred" who touched me lightly on the shoulder and said "we shoudl go somewhere" and in his voice i ehard he loved me, that it was deep and amazing and wonderful.

and then i woke.

it felt so real that it was several mintues before i realized that all o it had been a dream. . . all of it . . . a dream within a dream, it was so ebautiful . .

there were two other dreams, i have told them to myself over and over again so as not to forget them . . .

if anyone is good at dream interpretation could you give me some hints on this one? I can usually figure out my own but this one baffles me . . . or perhaps i am still in awe.

my parents were so different, yet they were mind

i just never thoguht of "fred" quite like that