Last update:

10:11 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

12 hours

(sorry there was no entyr yesterday, diaryland's fault, not mine)

why is that the best days i have are those when i am never home

my father ahtes that, he depsises that i am away from home so often, at play rehearsals and the improv show and school. Wes says he is envious . . . envy, he envies me? The adult who can hold everything over my head is envious of my position in life? midn you my positio is that of a teenage highschools tudent, it sucks, and any honest adult will tell you that it is awful. People romanticize youth far too much but it isnt that great. espescialyl these years where you try to become an adult and are still treated like a child.

and does he envy me?

goddamit i hate this. I love being going because it lets me escape him, escape this sturggle for maturity and power. Away from home i am treated as an equal, god it is beautiful. to be a person to a be a true and complete person who is respected and acknowledged for any knowledge i may or may not have.

i am alive

and i am not home, i am nto treated as a child. It is so wonderful to be away, so gorgeous to be otusid ethe house doing what i care msot about, doing what i love to do.

being away from home accting all day

i left the shoue at 7:30 this morning, i didnt get back till about an hour ago. that is over 12 hours, glorious glorious hours. I went to school, to rehearsal for one paly then another, the best part of my day, the highlight of my life.

this i what i live for,t his tim eoutside of life.

i live for when i cannotbe what others make of me

i live for me