Last update:

11:13 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

los ojos

There is a certain way a person can look at another person. This something in the eyes that makes the gaze hard to break away and something in the facce that makeit so comforting no nervousness or butterfiles jsut so soft and wonderful and perfect.

He said good bye to me and i returned the favor. as he walked away and i walekd in the other direction i looked back and he wa looking as well, a smile on my fce and asmile across his. It wasnt the stupid butterflies and it was not the nervous giddiness. It was soft and comforting. magical in the most comfortable way anything can be.

It was strangley comforting and cool and calming to have somone look at me the same way i was looking at them. Something i dont think i have ever quite experienced before.

That is the way thigns hsould be, natural and right and pefect and mutual. that is what i need, none of this stupid stuff, none of the nervousness and hoping and wondering about the othe rperson jsut alook, a soft look, of friendship, maybe a look of love one day, maybe not but if it is i will know, that is what is important. I dont want someone who wont look back