Last update:

9:01 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

salad dressing

(the server i host my images on is down for some reason, i dont know why, so eplease excuse the lack of images)

I stopped having nightmares years ago. the last I had wa when i was about ten years old and that, when retold now, is quite comical.

Thelast nightmare IU ever remember having was one where my father turned myself and my friends into salad dressing. Corection. he turned the boys into salad dressing (in bottles mind you) and the girls were turned into rag dolls. the last moment of the dream, the moment that caused me to wake screaming and in a cold sweat was when my father laughed down at me and someone else, a boy who was now salad dressig and i was now a rag doll, as he locked us in a trunk.

I dont recall any nightamres before that, and i dont recall any after that. It is as though all my subconscious fears were gathered into one dream, where i was changed into something i am not by my father and locked away

in a sense that is my every fear.

OF turning into something I am not because of my father, of turning into him. that is what he wants after all, for me and everyone else to be jsut like him. and even more frightening than taking on some foreign identity i become locked inside it. trapped

who was with me? who was being locked alognsie me in that chest, trappe din darkness with the last sound we heard being that of laughter and a lock

sometimes i thought that i think that the person with me was my brother, but no. Soemtimes i see some of my father in him, sometimes more than he would ever beleive, but i do not think it was him.

Someone was there with me, my cellmate, do i know them yet? When i meet them, should i run or should i embrace them?