Last update:

10:33 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

religion . .. is the smile on a dog

I just realized two things today: why i have such a problem with religion and that politics is a religion in and of itself.

you see choosing an organized relgion is not a mtter of finding what you beleive. no not at all. In religion there is no room for individuality in beleifs or disagreement on anything slightly important. Religion i a set of beleifs taht you learn and then make yourself beleive. I always felt that beleifs was soemthing ingrained in you part of finding yourself is finding wht oyu beleive. The idea of taking a set of beleifs and forcing yourself into them is like forcing a square peg into a round hole. It doesnt make sense. to hamming a puzzle peice into the wrong spot

like wise is politics. Politicians do not beleive what is on their 'platform' rarely do they agree with all if even the majority of it. The entire point is to get elected and repersent beleifs that they think are the majroity and are therefor not their own, once again being forced into a set of beleifs and ideas that are not their own rather than developing their own ideas and beleifs and then finding a group into which they hav ecommon traits.

strange things for me to notice, and id ont know why

my mother is making me go to church tomorrow and i spent all day today at a jewish girls house who knows im not christian and i couldnt spend the night ther ebecause of chruch tomorrow . . ..

this sucks