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9:16 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


why do couples insist on having a song that is 'theirs'. It never ceases to amaze me how these lubby dubby romantics who think that every love is true want to have 'their restaurant' their table their song.

Everyone wants to feel special. Everyone wants to feel important and individual. To a degree ti doesnt matter to them if their song is "my heart will go on" or "aqualung" as long as ti is theirs and it strengthens their bond. As long as it makes them feel inseperable. That is what we all want after all. To be with someone forever, we all owant soemthing that will last forever in this world of impermanence, but the truth is . . . the real truth is that even love is not permanent. We creat our illusions because they are what give us hope, far be it from me or anyone else to rob people of their defense mechanisms. I myself have quite a few.

The songs couple shave allusion them. Help them to beleive that their lvoe will last forever. And they truly do beleive it. They take the words to heart and make them their own. When in love evrything seems to be encircling you, as though everything in existance, every moment, was jsut preparing you for the next time you may see your love.

It is a beautiful, 'ignorance is bliss' sort of thing. To be completely blind and not care. The rest of the world doesnt matter and you beleive and know that it will last forever.

as humans we have a distorted concept of forever. It is until we die . . . can love go on past that?

if love can be permanent, in jsut htat smallest infintesimal chance that is is. can love last into the next life? can it go on with us after our deaths?

<< Here, There, And Everywhere >>

--- The Beatles To lead a better life I need my love to be here... Here, making each day of the year

Changing my life with the wave of her hand

Nobody can deny that there's something there There, running my hands through her hair

Both of us thinking how good it can be

Someone is speking but she doesn't know he's there I want her everywhere and if she's beside me

I know I need never care

But to love her is to need her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share Each one believing that love never dies

Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there I want her everywhere and if she's beside me

I know I need never care

But to love her is to need her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share Each one believing that love never dies

Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there To be there and everywhere

Here, there and everywhere