Last update:

6:26 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

We could be heroes

I dont want a hero.
Some arrogant bull-headed romantic Fabio who will take me away from all my problems because, supposedly, he loves me. Some moronic and sickeningly sweet fairytale where The perfect man falls in love with me so he can save me. . .
I doubt sleeping beauty had a successful marriage.

I do not want Pricne Charming
a cookie cutter romantic who will sweep me off my feet so that I can cook him porkchops and force his children out of my vagina. That isn't love. It never will be. and I do not want it. I run from it and somehow i keep gtting back to it.
Prince Charming never even had a name

I do not want a Knight in Shining Armor
to ride me off into the sunset. To kill off all my enemies to make up for my own weaknesses, as many as there are.
Armor rusts

If anyone must be my hero, let it be myself. I want a teacher, someone who will help me find inside myself the ability to save my ownself. To find my own sword and eliminate the foe. But no one wants to teach me. They al want to save me. To swoop in romantically out of the blue and set me free.

Sounds more like kidnapping than rescue to me.