Last update:

11:36 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings



I almost wrote a poem about you today, but instead opted to put my pen to paper taking notes for English 251

Sometimes I am alright. I don't think much about you. You are a character in fond anecdotes and a companion in fun times. Just someone in that mental rolodex.

then other times. I stare fondly at each word written by you. Mementos of your existance, as trivial as they may be, fill me with joy. sometimes I think of you all together too much and you are the answer to every question, the dot to every i.

you are haunting my thoughts now . . . I am really wanting to do something very very stupid.
thank god I am inhibited and insecure. I could ruin many things

your voice is echoing in my head