Last update:

5:15 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


It looks like I will be spending about a hundred dollars on textbooks next semester. Which is not bad at all and I am very very excited about actually being able to afford it. Now If i can manage to pay my taxes without being a comletel pauper i will really be in a great place.

So things are going well financially in my life for the first time in a very very long time. The thing is I don't know so much about everything else. MY lovelife. shit. Most of my friendships are in a bad place. My emotional stability well, i havent really had any stability lately.

I do know that I absolutely cannot wait to get back to Greensboro. though I dont really know why. The change of locale has not been the key to solving all my problems lately. I am hopeful though. I am going to be motivated this semester in my classes. I am going to do well. I am going to be happy. I am not going to spend all my time watching tv and sleeping. I am not going to expend all my energy on taking care of other people when i am not taken care of myself.

Today is Sunday
On Wednesday I am going back to the dorms, earlier than other students, because I have to be there early for work.