Last update:

11:56 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

a step in some sort of direction

so, yeah. i totally di a a new layout. it is something I cna live with for some time. i am too lazy to redo layouts like i used to. The color scheme is kinda almost exactly like one of the diaryland templates, heh

so anyway

I missed my good friends workshop performance because i was at the counseling center making an appointment. I didnt think it would take very long to set one up, but there is alot of paperwork and they want to know all sorts of shite. When I see him later this week and he asks what it hought of his performance and i tell him i missed it he will be upset. though i think when i tell him why he will be ok; out of most of the people i know i think he is one of the very few who has enough of an idea of whats up to understand, accept that excuse, and not pry too much.

the thing is, the counseling center is technically not even on campus, do to construction they arent in a campus building anymore they are in a little office building less than a block off, fromt he far side of campus that i rarely go to. its a longer walk. the whole way there i kept thinking i was going to turn back, once i got there and said i wanted to make an appointment the receptionist said it would take like 20 minutes to do all the paper work and questionaire stuff . . . i figured it would be cutting close to being late, but if i didnt do it then i wouldnt do it . . . then i missed the entire perofrmance

they asked on the paper work about if i had injured myself, then details, for how long, what had been done . . . .

it just wasnt comfortable, sitting in a waiting room writing out the details of my issues, with this guy i kinda kknow perusing a people magazine in a chair beside me