Last update:

3:28 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

fly rail

last night, or rather yesterday, i went to rehearsal at 1pm, i left rehearsal at 11:30 pm.
my twitching is gone but my arms ache. I am working on the flyrail. which, to those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, means i am high up, above the actors, pulling on ropes to raise and lower scenery and curtains and such . . . . very heavy scenery and curtains and such.
After a point there is a certain zen to it. Hand over hand flying as fast as you can as John Wolf (the tech director) yells at you to raise a curtain faster, and faster, when you feel as though your arms can barely move the rope at all.

I came back last night with the intention of finishing a paper. needless to say i wrote about a page then gave up and went to bed. I thought a night's sleep would heal the ache in my hands and arms, it did not. In about 15 minutes i leave to do this work again. this time i bring homework with me . . . and my digital camera. Some of the images up there . . i want to cherish them, i dont know why. In some ways, no matter how ahrd the work is, and how sore it makes me, i enjoy being up so high, and knowing i am the only one up that high. no one is with me, i am alone with my thoughts, the ropes and weights, and a headset connecting me to the outside world. ic an watch the actors from above, like pedgeons form atop the washington monument.