Last update:

9:58 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings


17 days left till i leave for Greensboro and what some would refer to as the next chapter of my life. and while i dont thinkg of life as having portions or segments, i do appreciate the metaphor.

one day, at the least, shall be spent buying new clothes and alst minute dorm supplies.

one day shall be spent in raleigh, if not more than that.

two days if not more will be spent packing

that brings us to thirteen

probably about 3 days will be spent revelling with friends, partying and saying goodbye.

at least two days will be spent tyring to get my room in order so that mom wont gripe about me leaving for college with it in a mess.

a day will probably be wasted with me sleeping till noon and lazing about doing nothing for the few hours i am awake.

one day will be spent picking up my brother and mike and going with them to see Garden state (woohoo! hurray for artsy films!)

two days spent doing mind numbing chroes for mom to back my debt

that leaves four days . . . four real days for me to have time to squirm and fidget and be anxious and truly panic about going to college . . . . somehow it doesnt seem like enough time for it all to sink in . . .