Last update:

2:53 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

happinees is an old coat

My las entry was going to be a nice long-winded one . . then it started to lightening and i had to get offline . . . another lgithenigns torm, probably the millionth we have had this summer

anyway on to entry like stuff

I feel so much better, in a strange and wonderful way. Just Sunday I was slashing at my arms (which still hasnt healed by the way) and now i am floating on air. I suppose it is that whole bi-polar thing, yeah thename of the diary and all, hmm (note the sarcasm).

He loves me. That was hte msot wonderful conversation i have had in a very long time. I feel so comfortable with him, like i can tell him anything and eerything, and i think i almsot have, with a few exceptions.

He is like me, in a way taht no one els ei have ever met is. My awkwardness, which i have always hoped people would find endearing instead of annoying, i see it in him as well. Still, two very different people, with different dreams and desires . . . but somewhere, somehow, that i cannot pinpoint . . .the same.

its a comforting famiiarity without the fear i would expect.

Because I havent run away yet . . . i havent found some horrible flaw in the relationship . . . I feel . . . happy . . That's so strange and so foreign, yet comfortable. like an old coat you forgot you had.

now that is a metaphor i never would ave thoguth of before . . happiness is an old coat.

P.S. Come on people, i need money buy stuff off ebay . . . please?