Last update:

11:41 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

all we are saying . . . .

my fathers says his car will nto be used in order to go to a anti war protest . . .

but he wont elt em go if i ride with someone else either.

he say stha ti am so negative that the only time i have become vehemnt on any issue is to be agaisnt something, that i dotn want to chagne the world positively, only negatively, that i cant do anything

and all i heard was that i was worthless, that what i thoguth and felt didnt matter, that i couldnt do anything

there is going to be a protest tomorrow . . . i cant go . . . My father says no child of his will be involved, he woudl rather kill me than let me go. i cant sneak off, becuase they know when it is . . . i cant do anything

i wasnt worthless before but i am now

so i dont do anything to change the world do i?

i organized the day of silence two years in a row at south View! (but i cant tell him that, he would kill me for portesting for gay rights)

i collected money for relay for life in 8th grade (but he wouldnt let me go to the marathon)

i donate as much money to things as i can, btu i dont have much money, no job.

im workign at the stage door's charity event next week, to help the soldiers (npt the war mind you, the soldiers)and i do nothign? im a negative person?

the protest isnt a negative thing, im not against thigns i am for PEACE

peace, remember that?

wait never mind, how can we remember it if we have nevertasted it at all. . .