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10:27 p.m.
Bi-Polar version 15

Even more of my psychotic ramblings

chain link fence

my dad killed our dog

i always knew that my fathers anger would some day result in the death of something more imposing than a moth or other insect. I always presumed it would be me. I suppose the dog is just a stepping stone along the way

He didnt do it on purpose mind you. He likes the dog, is rather fond of it really, he took it for walks daily for a while, he hadnt for hte past few days ebcause he had been working late. Then today one of the enighbor kids came over nd told mom that they had found our dog hanging on their fene, snagged by a peice of chain . . . . dead.

Baby (that was her name) was a regular escape artists so everytime she escaped dad would beat her severely., put ehr ont he chain in the back yard for a few weeks, then he would put her on a length of chan not attached to anything, it weighed her down and sorta kept her inside the fence psychologically . .. kind of

months ago mum once found baby snagged to the fence by that length of chain when she tried to escape . . . . mom helped her nd she was fine . . . .this time Baby got several houses away before getting stuck and then being strangled to death

by my father

I'm mad at him, it makes my blood boil becaus ehe mistreated that dog so much, I wasnt particuarly attached to Baby, in fact i was a bit bitter when we bought her because if elt like dad was tyring to replace Boo, the dog who i grew up with that died of old age after we had had baby for about a year. He was tyring to replace boo, i know he was.

Whenever baby escaped dad would spank her, not just a spank, he would give ehr a ebating, he would beat her in such a way that if it had been a child out ther ehe would have been jaile dand had to give it up within moments of being seen. But it wasnt a child, it was a dog. So he was allowed to beat her.He kept heron the chain for ridiculous amoutns fo time for once offense, to the point where there was no way she could possiblely still associate the chain with her wrong doing. I dont kno whow much he treated in this manner, all i know is that when i went to feed her a few days ago she looked scared until she saw that it was me and not my father.

and now he has killed her

He buried her int eh rain, he dog a 3 foot whole and buried her with af ew of her toys . . . . why did she get a burial?

When Boo died . . . no boo was put to sleep and cremated, without anyone asking or telling me first, and we dont even get her ashes.

but Baby got a burial site

I dont understand what entitles his dog to that and mine to an unceremonious demise that i wasnt even told about until it was long over.

So my fahter killed our dog . . . . she was a young dog, annoying but veyr undeserving of all that she received.

he killed her slowly over time, the way he kills me, the way i am dying, so she jumped over the fence and ran for her life no matter how much she new not to. But she came back, i willnot, i will not elt him choke me. I will not be found, i will leave and be free


my father killed something and miracurously, an dhorribly, it wasnt me